Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Moment by Moment...

 From the booklet, The Holy Word for Morning Revival-The Crucial Elements of the Bible, by Witness Lee.

Week 1, Day 5.

"Since we have the Triune God in us as our life and person, we must live and walk by Him in our daily life (Gal. 5:25) and grow up in all things into Him, who is the Head (Eph. 4:15). It is difficult for husbands and wives not to quarrel in their married life. By the Lord's grace, I have been with my wife for close to thirty years, and although I dare not say that we have never disagreed, I can say that I have never quarreled with her. This is because I have another person in me, the heavenly God Himself who is my person. When I am displeased or unhappy and try to speak something unpleasant, this person who is in me says, "You may speak, but I won't speak; you may go to quarrel but I won't go." Thus, I can only say, "Lord, if You won't go, then I won't go either." Then the Lord may say, "Wonderful! Since you won't go, stay here and I will be with you." In this way I have a sweet fellowship with the Lord. Instead of quarreling, there is only prayer, the prayer of two persons praying together. I pray and He prays with me; He prays in my prayer.What an enjoyment this is! This is to live and walk by the person in us." 


Unknown said...

wow! What a joy it really is to walk by the life of the One living within us! This was very encouraging! Thanks for sharing! :)

Anonymous said...

amen... it is crucial for us to see that the Christian life is actually us living with Christ - a living Person - and Christ living in us. It's not us trying to do things according to the Bible or WWJD, it is us turning to Him within and checking with Him, walking according to the feeling of life and peace within... the Lord Jesus Christ is a living Person living in us!